Friday, November 14, 2008

23. Self - Breakfast With Girls

In 1999 I was listening to a lot of metal. I mean a LOT of metal. Big doses of it from morning til night. And then this album came along and while a lot of Self fans were thinking "Just what the hell is this?" I found myself really getting into it. It was quirky and experimental and felt like a breath of fresh air after spending my days listening to "kill kill kill the world" and wanting to kick someone's ass. Breakfast With Girls made me feel like hanging upside down from a tree branch while reading a book about existentialism. It made me feel like I was living in a weird little cartoon where I could dance on clouds and slide down rainbows and wear clothes that didn't match. It was, for a while, the one album I could put on that would help me find my happy place.

Favorite song: Callgirls
Matt Mahaffey on wiki


GiromiDe said...

This album starts with a very strong one-two punch then drifts all over the musical landscape. Matt Mahaffey possesses a strong musical curiosity, plucking from just about any era and genre.

While the followup album Gizmodgery is a great ambitious effort, composing tracks using only child's noisy toys and instruments, Breakfast With Girls just feels more a complete work. I would put it in the top ten albums of the 90's.

steelopus said...

This album art rests among my favorite of all time.